Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Virtual SAN Solution for VMware vSphere 4

Virtual SAN Solution for VMware vSphere 4
As you know, for using all features of VMware vSphere 4, you need to have SAN, either iSCSI SAN or FiberChannel SAN. For some organizations providing the standard servers like HP DL380 is very expensive and SAN as well. Or for some other organizations, it is not optimize to use standard SAN, maybe they do not have server room, maybe they have all PC servers. So for all these organizations we can use Virtual SAN and Ethernet Network to run a practical SAN in your LAN.
There are solutions, but I suggest two of them.
Assume you have two server, either PC server or Rackmount server. You have sufficient storage on both of them, etc. 1 TB disk storage.  You want to run VMware vSphere and use vMotion, FT and VMHA.
You can run ESX on both servers, after that, create two "other Linux" Virtual Machine with the amount of space to install "Openfiler Virtual SAN" on that.
The first solution is to use two virtual SAN separately, name the SAN on "Host1", "vSAN1", and the second one "vSAN2" on "Host2". Configure the SAN on ESX Hosts and create VMs and use SAN storage. In this solution, make all virtual machines on Host1 use vSAN1and vice versa for Host2 and vSAN2. For critical VMs, use FT and make the secondary VM on another vSAN. For others, use VMware Data Recovery and for each virtual machine in vSAN1 and make a backup on vSAN2 and vice versa. In downtime situations of a physical sever, the FT machines change the primary VM to another host and for other VMs, just clone the latest update.
The Pros:
·         You can use 2 TB of storage.
·         It is easier to configure each SAN.
·         You can create cluster on your virtual infrastructure.
·         You can use special features of VMware vSphere.
The Cons:
·         If your VMs has changed from the last update, in downtime, they lost their information.
·         A VM in for example in Host1 and has the storage of that VM on vSAN2, is slow on read and write.
The second solution is to use a virtual SAN as primary and another one as a redundant and secondary SAN. You need to use one NIC on each physical server for SAN and use separate IPs from your LAN for them. You have one vSAN for virtual infrastructure. In this situation all the data on vSAN1 will be exist on vSAN2 at almost same time. If you have downtime on each host, the data never lose.
The Pros:
·         You can create cluster on your virtual infrastructure.
·         You can use special features of VMware vSphere.
·         Never losing data.
·         High Availability.
The Cons:
·         The complexity of configuration of two redundant vSAN.
·         You have just 1 TB of storage.

See you.
Saman Salehi

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Change the old infrastructure to VMware vSphere 4.1

From this post, I try to present my projects with "How to do the project" and "Tips" for doing that. I hope it is going to be useful.
The first project:
Project title: Change the old infrastructure to VMware vSphere 4.1
Project Place: Razavi Hospital, Mashad, Iran
Project Admin: Saman Salehi
Project infrastructure:
·        We have HP DL380 G5 and HP DL380 G6 servers and a SAN.
·        ((We call HP DL380 G5 "Server1" and HP DL380 G6 "Server2".))
·        In one of them, "Server2", the strategy is one application, one Server and we have web server.
·        Another one "Server1", is a ESXi 3.5 Host and have two virtual machines, FTP and application Server.
·        None of them are connected to SAN.
·        We need an Active Directory and do not have any free server.
·        We need to change the application server's OS.
Project Plan:
·        Use P2V to convert the web physical server to virtual machine.
·        Install the ESXi 4.1 on Server2 (call it "ESX1") and connect to SAN, and reconvert the web server to ESX Host.
·        Transfer FTP virtual server from Server1 to ESX1 and uninstall the ESXi 3.5.
·        Install ESXi 4.1 on HP DL380 G5 (call it "ESX2") and create two virtual machines for application server and Active Directory.

In next post I will learn how to do that.
See you.

VMware vSphere 4.1 کتاب

VMware vSphere 4.1
-          مقدمه
o        چکیده
o        در این کتاب
-          بخش اول: شناخت مجازی سازی Virtualization
o        فصل اول: آشنایی با مجازی سازی سرورها
§         تاریخچه مجازی
§         چرا باید از مجازی سازی سرورها استفاده کنیم؟
§         مجازی سازی چیست؟
·         Virtual Machine
·         Hypervisor
§         راهکارهای مختلف در این زمینه
·         VMware vSphere 4
·         Citrix XenServer 5
·         Microsoft Hyper-V 2008
§         خلاصه
o        فصل دوم: VMware
§         VMware Workstation
§         VMware ESX
§         vCenter
§         چرا VMware vSphere 4.1؟
§         خلاصه
-          بخش دوم: راه اندازی زیرساخت مجازی Virtual Infrastructure با VMware vSphere 4.1
o        فصل سوم: نصب و راه اندازی VMware ESX 4.1
§         سازگاری سخت افزار Hardware Campatibility
§         انواع مختلف ویرایش های VMware vSphere 4.1
§         نصب VMware ESX 4.1
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه
o        فصل چهارم: نصب و راه اندازی VMware ESXi 4.1
§         سازگاری سخت افزار Hardware Campatibility
§         نصب VMware ESXi 4.1
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه
o        فصل پنجم: نصب و راه اندازی VMware vSphere Client 4.1
§         دانلود و نصب VMware vSphere Client 4.1
§         وصل شدن به یک ESX Host از طریق VMware vSphere Client 4.1
§         وصل شدن به یک ESX Host از طریق Web Browser
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه
o        فصل ششم: نصب و راه اندازی VMware vCenter 4.1
§         سازگاری سخت افزار Hardware Campatibility
§         نصب VMware vCenter 4.1
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه
-          بخش سوم: تغییر زیرساخت به ساختار مجازی VMware vSphere 4.1
o        فصل هفتم: ساخت ماشین مجازی Virtual Machine
§         ساده ترین راه ساخت ماشین مجازی
§         ساخت ماشین مجازی در حالت Custom
§         ساخت یک Template
§         ساخت یک ماشین مجازی از روی Template
§         راه اندازی drive های
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه
o        فصل هشتم: تنظیم کردن یک SAN در ESX Host
§         چرا باید از SAN استفاده کنیم؟
§         نحوه راه اندازی یک SAN
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه
o        فصل نهم: زیرساخت شبکه مجازی در VMware vSphere 4.1
§         Virtual Network چیست؟
§         چگونه بهینه تر از Multi NIC استفاده کنیم؟
·         بهینه کردن هر کدام از NIC ها
·         از NIC Teaming استفاده کنیم.
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه
-          بخش چهارم: استفاده از Feature های خاص VMware vSphere 4.1
o        فصل دهم: راه اندازی Virtual Cluster
§         Virtual Cluster چیست؟
§         VMHA چیست؟
§         DRS چیست؟
§         DPM چیست؟
§         چگونه یک Host را به Cluster اضافه کنیم؟
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه
o        فصل یازدهم: نداشتن downtime در زیرساخت مجازی
§         استفاده از vMotion
§         استفاده از svMotion
§         استفاده از DRS
§         استفاده از VMHA
§         چند نکته برای عیب یابی Troubleshooting Tips
§         خلاصه

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سامان صالحی
پاییز 89